As the concept of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment at the workplace grows, the cases of sexual harassment have also increased manifold within a limited time.

As per the survey, one in every four women experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. Not only women, but sexual harassment affects men too. The only way to stop this inappropriate behavior is by providing proper sexual harassment online training in California.
This is the responsibility of every organization to provide training to employees as well as to the managers.

This is necessary because if an employee feels any unprofessional behavior, they will directly report to the manager.

That’s why sexual harassment prevention training, as well as sexual harassment training for managers, are necessary so that they can take appropriate steps to eliminate the issue. Read more:

Necessity of Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – Telegraph

As the concept of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment at the workplace grows, the cases of sexual harassment have also increased manifold within a limited time. As per the survey, one in every four women experienced sexual harassment in the workpla