DUI Attorney in Rhode Island

Rhode Island Attorney
Have you been charged with a crime in Rhode Island? If so, the Rhode Island criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Stefanie A. Murphy can help you! If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, or if you believe an arrest may be imminent – contact Stefanie Murphy right away. Hiring a criminal defense lawyer before your case escalates can mean the difference in fines, jail time, probation and more. Battling for your freedom should not be a gamble – Stefanie Murphy knows what it takes to represent you and prove your innocence.
Stefanie A. Murphy gives every client she represents the focused individual attention that yields results.
Rhode Island Family Court Lawyer
Do you need to file for divorce? Need representation for a divorce, child custody, DCYF Matter? The attorneys at the Law Offices of Stefanie A. Murphy can help navigate your matter through Family Court.
Criminal Charges Can Create Chaos in Your Life
Being accused of a crime can be terrifying, stressful, and humiliating. It can have lasting effects on your family, your career, your immigration status, and your standing in the community. You may feel hopeless, embarrassed, and concerned for your reputation. But you are not alone. In the United States, nearly a third of the population has had a brush with the law at some point.
