Cities struggle to maintain life quality, environmental sustainability, and social inclusion amid rapid urbanization. My Liveable City is a global knowledge platform that brings together experts in Urban Design, City Planning, Landscape and Environmental Planning, Architectural & Building Design, and Innovative Technologies. Our goal is to create sustainable, inclusive, and liveable cities for everyone. In line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, our vision emphasizes water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, climate action, infrastructure innovation, affordable housing, sustainable cities, communities, and equitable societies. Our platform shares information through digital material, publications, books, conferences, knowledge tours, expert training, short-term academic courses, and customized workshops, drawing from over 20 nations. Active engagement is essential for urban landscape transformation. We encourage readers, commentators, writers, and participants to shape our cities.
Urban Planning Magazine, Urban Design Magazine, Spatial Planning Magazine, Smart city, Magazine on Urban Planning
