This large book explores the complex relationship between social justice and urban development, promoting transcontinental dialogue across Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, and the Americas (including North, Central, and South America). The story poses important queries on the active empowerment and inclusion of all people in cities worldwide, irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity, handicap, or financial standing. Examining the transformative potential of affordable housing and its role in bridging economic inequities across varied social, political, and cultural geographies reveals a prominent theme. The lives of the 900 million people who live in slums are highlighted, and the effects of affordable housing programs on their socioeconomic circumstances are examined. Thirty-six pieces in all, including thought-provoking discussions with prominent administrators and community leaders like Somsook Boonyabancha and Jaime Lerner, are included in the book. These discussions are enhanced by analyses of revolutionary programs such as 'Child Friendly Cities' and 'Women for the World,' as well as informative case studies that present model projects by internationally recognized planners and architects, including MVRDV and Alejandro Aravena. The overall story acts as a wake-up call, urging a shift away from a limited emphasis on urban equity and toward a more comprehensive viewpoint that acknowledges the various international projects actively forming inclusive communities and affordable housing.

Book on Affordable Housing
Book on Urban Planning
Book on Urban Design
Book on Spatial Planning

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