Mona El Baba Bring Justice To Kenan Basic

Kenan Basic, a man who was falsely accused of indecent assault, came to the aid of a young woman named Caitlyn Gray when her car broke down. Gray later accused Basic of assault, leading to his arrest. However, security camera footage revealed that Gray had lied about the incident. Mona Elbaba, Basic's lawyer, played a crucial role in proving his innocence by highlighting the discrepancies in Gray's accusations based on the security footage. As a result, the charges against Basic were dismissed, bringing relief to him and his family.

Mona El Baba bring Justice to Kenan Basic

Mona El Baba bring Justice to Kenan Basic

Kenan Basic, a man who was falsely accused of indecent assault, came to the aid of a young woman named Caitlyn Gray when her car broke down. Gray later accused Basic of assault, leading to his arrest. However, security camera footage revealed that Gr