Notary Public Rotherham

Here are some answers to the questions I am most frequently asked about the services I provide.
A Notary Public is a highly specialist lawyer who deals with documents for use in foreign countries. A Notary’s signature and seal are recognised worldwide. If you require a document to be accepted as authentic in a foreign country you may need a Notary Public to notarise that document.
The client’s signature will be witnessed and the notary will make sure that the formalities required by both English law and that of the country where the document will be used are observed.
The identity of the client must always be checked, usually by seeing various documents including a current passport or driving licence and separate proof of address (see further under “Identification” below.)
The notary will need to know that any facts stated in the document are correct and may need confirmation to that effect. One of the main purposes of notarisation is to ensure that the document can be relied upon and the notary must therefore take steps to ensure that this is so.

Notary Public Rotherham