Take a deep dive into an insightful piece that analyzes the queries that have emerged since the pandemic. It examines the flawed urban patterns that have proven harmful to the planet's natural balance as well as human health, highlighting the close connections between the two. Important health-related questions following the pandemic require answers concerning our cities. Will a more polycentric urban fabric where everyday necessities are accessible by foot be ushered in by social distancing? Can it encourage the development of large-scale public open spaces? Moreover, will it promote the use of naturally ventilated homes while discouraging the use of airtight structures? Explore these important issues and more in the article's whole, which is available at www.myliveablecity.com. Your go-to resource for excellent international case studies, professional judgments, and thought leadership in landscape architecture, sustainable architecture, and environment and sustainability.

Magazine on Sustainable City
Sustainable City
Urban Planning
Environment & Sustainability
Landscape Architecture
Sustainable Architecture

